June 10, 2024 Minutes

Stockton Match Club

Executive Board Meeting Minutes




West Lane Bowl


June 10, 2024


11:15 am


Hank Arias




Thursday, June 10, 2024


11:15 am Start … All officers in attendance


Meeting Attendance:

President ... Hank Arias

Vice President ... Ron Taylor

Secretary ... Angel-Marie Thomas

Treasurer ... Charles Carr

Matchmaker/Tournament Director ... Kathie Medeiros

Sergeant-at-arms ... Fred Campbell


New Business:  July 13th Tournament:  We have 72 bowlers as of now and growing strong.  Possibly up to 80 - 100 bowlers the day of the tournament.

Games:  Poker, 50/50 and Strike pot.  Keo of West Lane will be doing the Brackets.


Treasurer Report:  Bank Balance:  $10,022.08 ... Handout given to board of bank statement


Motion to Approve by:  Fred Campbell and Second by Ron Taylor.


President and Sergeant at Arms:  will be attending to the bowlers, whom have dues in arrears.


Meeting was then adjourned at 11:51 am

Motion made by Charles Carr and seconded by Fred Campbell.








